Monday, May 21, 2012

Well, I had quite a bit of excitement in my life yesterday. I officiated at my first wedding. I had planned a wedding with this couple in 2010 and for some reason it didn't take place until yesterday. I was pleased (not to mention, totally thrilled) at how well it turned out. 

We had the ceremony in the courtyard of our apartment building. Had a great turnout of folks who came to act as witnesses and welcome the couple as newlyweds for the first time. It was a Christian ceremony, so I had a ball. They're both Christian and so it was encouraging to everyone to see them tie the knot. The groom came to quite a few of our Church meetings we held here in our community room. 

Hopefully, it planted the seed in the hearts of those present to make a similar decision if they haven't done so already (unless, of course, like me, they are celibate and don't burn with passion for anyone; in which case, they're better off staying single).
Peace and joy,

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