“A widow who wants to become one of the special church
workers* should be at least sixty years old and have been married only once.
She must be well thought of by everyone because of the good she has done. Has
she brought up her children well? Has she been kind to strangers as well as to
other Christians? Has she helped those who are sick and hurt? Is she always
ready to show kindness?
The younger widows should not become members of this special
group because after awhile they are likely to disregard their vow to Christ and
marry again. And so they will stand condemned because they broke their first
promise. Besides, they are likely to be lazy and spend their time gossiping around
from house to house, getting into other people’s business. So I think it is
better for these younger widows to marry again and have children, and take care
of their own homes; then no one will be able to say anything against them. For
I am afraid that some of them have already turned away from the church and been
led astray by Satan.” (1 Timothy 5:9-15, taken from The Living Bible)
*5:9 one of these
special church workers, literally, “enrolled as a widow.”
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