If you are called to be an apostle or missionary, I hope you
will consider the inner city a mission field. I love living in the inner city.
It is cross-cultural ministry. It’s like living in another country compared to
growing up in a village.
I watch and pray in
this city. I pray for a better environment where I live. My neighbors benefit
when God moves to make life better for me. We desperately need God in Christ in
this city. The more Spirit filled men of the church there are in this city, the
stronger this city will be. Come on, church. Let’s seek God’s face and turn
from our wicked ways, so God will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal
our land.
It is a challenge to pray for this city. Schenectady is 89th
on a list of the 100 most dangerous cities in the United States. I’m hoping
that God will show Himself powerful on our behalf and transform the citizens of
this city through the renewing of our minds. We must not be conformed to this
world. We must stand firm and fight the good fight of faith. I do not accept
that I must resign myself to believe that things can’t get better.
I believe we have the Kingdom of Heaven to look forward to
and it will be better than any city in this old world. The New Jerusalem is the
standard. There can’t be a better city than that. It is the city where God the
Father and His Son Jesus live. If we’re going to live there, we must prepare
ourselves to live there among the little ones who make up that city. We will be
living among the greatest saints who ever walked on this old earth.
Prepare to die! It’s inevitable. Your soul could be required
of you this very night for all you know. You could walk through a gate made of
one solid pearl into a city made of gold transparent as glass this very night!
I am an ambassador in chains of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus will come like a
thief in the night when we least expect it. We need to be ready.
Consider this city for your mission field. We need
Christians in this city who are prepared to walk through a gate made of one
solid pearl into a city made of gold. We need your little light to shine in
this present darkness, to show the way for people who are lost. We need
positive role models for the children of this city. We need Christians who will
care for the elderly and the infirm. Jesus told his disciples to let people
know the Kingdom of Heaven is near and heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse
the lepers and cast out demons. May God richly bless you as you continue to
grow in Jesus.
Jesus Christ came preaching The Kingdom of Heaven. We come
preaching Jesus Christ, who is the Kingdom of Heaven; crucified, resurrected
and Lord.
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